68个容易理解错和翻译错的句子 - 英语口语精华 - 立思辰留学

28. Have you finished your work yet? Have you finished your work already?(已完,表示吃惊) 29. Did you do any work last night? Did you do some work last night?(表示知道,肯定) 30. I left the window open.(忘了关窗户) I kept the window open.(表示故意) ...

▷And so, without further ado, let me introduce you to tonight's speaker. 所以,闲话少说,下面就有请今晚的演讲嘉宾。 05 I'm sure we haven't seen the last of him. ►haven't se...

4. The Great Wall of China can be seen from space 在太空能看到中国的万里长城 The Apollo astronauts confirmed that you can't see the Great Wall of China from the Moon. In fa...

Haveyouseenmyglasses?你看见过我的眼镜吗?(see动作在说话前发生,强调对现在的影响是:你是否还记得眼镜所在的地方?) 考例: Theprice___,butIdoubtwhetheritwillremainso.(广东1999) A.wentdownB.willgodown C.hasgonedownD.wasgoingdown 分析:godown意为“(物价等)下...

15、Have you ever seen some space junk with your own eyes? 如果和地面失去联系,航天飞机能否自动回到地球? 16、Does earth look any different from it used to be? 我们的地球看起来和以前有什么不同? 17、What is the longest distance between the ISS and the...

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